
The renewal of the brand strategy and website has helped Gebwell communicate its solutions more effectively and increase awareness on the path of international growth.

What did we do?

Brand development
Wordpress development
Marketing & sales alignment


The need

Gebwell, a company specialising in the sale, manufacture, and development of heating and cooling equipment, needed a partner to build a new brand strategy to support its growth and internationalisation. 

Awareness of the company as well as its top-of-the-field expertise and environmentally friendly solutions was weak outside Finland, where the company is based, even though its markets extend to Sweden and Poland as well. Also, the story needed to be refreshed to align with the brand identity and translated onto Gebwell's multilingual website.

The solution

Pure heat

After the current situation had been assessed and a comprehensive development of brand strategy elements, story, and key messages conducting, it became evident what Gebwell stands for and what they are known for: a team of dedicated individuals who prioritise customers' needs and a desire to be part of a larger change towards a more sustainable world. This work led to the creation of the concept of "pure heat," which encompasses Gebwell's entire operation – from the products and solutions it develops and manufactures to the warm, genuine, and respectful values that underpin it all.

As the new story also required a visual renewal, a new look was created with a particular emphasis on warmth and humanity.

Smooth content management

The new brand identity was also implemented on Gebwell's website. A multilingual website, reflecting the story and visual identity, was designed based on the needs of the target audiences, and optimised for organic search engine traffic. Scalability of the website was crucial: it was implemented on the WordPress platform, enabling flexible content management, with a custom theme.

In the B2B industry, the conventional approach would have been to simply display an online catalogue of products. Instead, an approach closer to modern eCommerce was adopted, enabling users to autonomously filter, compare and review products, read customer reviews, download materials and request quotes from the website, much like in an online store.

The results 

With the new brand strategy, narrative, and visual identity, Gebwell has gained recognition as a company offering eco-friendly heat pump and district heating products, allowing customers to enjoy them with a clear conscience.

The revamped website has also met expectations. The site efficiently generates leads for Gebwell, and the same website template has been applied to different country versions, with the platform tailored flexibly to the needs of various content producers.

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