Media buying and AdTech

Plan strategically, buy expertly 

Are you on an epic quest for maximum ROI, and just starting to realise that targeted LinkedIn and paid search engine visibility might not be enough? With more strategic media planning, you expand the reach of your message and increase the likelihood of achieving your objectives.  

Valve's experts understand the strengths of different channels – digital or traditional – in the short and long term. We help you make the most out of your media budget, whatever its size.   

Comprehensive media planning starts with a clear marketing strategy and objectives. Then we make sure your customers see your message and notice your advertising. Based on the results, we continuously iterate the media mix in a data-driven way: the time it takes different channels to be impactful varies. 

Media buying  

We will give your marketing an effective boost with a media strategy that is in line with your business’s typical customer journey. 

Our media planning ensures that your advertising campaigns reach the desired target audiences with the right channels and inputs, in the right environment and at the right time.  

We are happy to help you with:  
  • Media strategies  
  • Media planning  
  • Media buying   
  • Continuous data-based optimisation 
  • Analysis and reporting  

AdTech and programmatic buying  

We use programmatic buying technologies such as Google's CM360 & DV360 marketing tools to acquire advertising space in the most popular media in Finland and abroad. 

You retain full control that the advertising space is bought based on supply and demand. Your message gets the most attention and reaches your target audience. Thanks to our meticulous media planning and optimisation, the advertising space is brand-safe and results-yielding.  

Programmatic buying is best suited for tactical, highly targeted campaigns, as well as high visibility campaigns to increase brand awareness.  

  • Ad serving and advertising management  
  • PMP deals, direct contacts to all domestic publishers  
  • Tailor-made campaigns for international media (open auction RTB)  
  • Ensuring a brand-safe environment  
  • Contextual targeting  
  • Targeting with third-party data  
  • Targeting with publishers’ data  
  • Targeting with first-party data  
  • Retargeting   
  • Custom bidding algorithms  
  • Dynamic advertising solutions (DCO)  
Ville Ahola

Ville Ahola

Senior Growth Marketing Specialist

Let's talk